Friday 20 August 2010

Another Week Ends

This has been something of a Jane Austen week for me. The weather had me brooding a bit so I got out the telly mini series Pride & Prejudice. When I got through that in just under two days, I still hadn't had enough. So then I pulled out the Keira Knightley version and had that playing while I worked.

Then, as if the planets had aligned themselves… I took Gwen to the park this afternoon, and sure enough it started pelting down with rain. I scooted Gwen and myself into the nearest public building — the library. Wandering about I discovered a ‘classics’ display filled mostly with Jane Austen novels. That is when I found “The Oxford Illustrated Jane Austen: Minor Works”. If that isn't providence then I don't know what is. So I borrowed the book, and look forward to settling down to read it, while sipping a hot chocolate, and my feet toasting on a hot water bottle.

Have a great weekend, and enjoy this little tidbit from the Pride & Prejudice mini series…