Tuesday, 3 January 2012


    Today was a busy day of organising. Although to look at the state of my living room one would question that first statement.
    Seriously though, I was busy making telephone calls and preparing to say goodbye to my car of a solid fourteen years. Can you believe that? The Suzi has been with me for such a long time and has carted me and my crap around like a good little work horse.
    But 'as all good things' [and you know the rest] it was time to part ways with the little red car.
    I gave the car a little pat, and said goodbye to my red metallic steed, as the car removalist laughed at my last gesture. I mentally thanked it for all the kilometers it clocked, the flat tires it endured, the people it taxied, the places it took me, for being the second home that it was, getting me through that one truly bad flood [yeah, I really shouldn't have done that, but she survived because that's what she does].
    And so it is an end to an era for me and The Suzi. And I did consider taking one last photo before she went, but quickly changed my mind. I didn't want to remember how she looked in the end. I just wanted to remember what the car did for me.

    On a totally unrelated topic here is a photo of Piper, the cat, finding her own way to deal with the hot day... Silly cat!