Sunday, 12 May 2013

Finished, Yummy, Happy...

    Great news! I have so totally, utterly, completely finished my online photography course [via Photography Institute]. There was a time a couple of months back when I didn't think I'd make the deadline. But thinkin' that thought was just the rocket up the bum that I needed to complete the course.
    So here I am with a certificate on it's way, a world of inspiration in my pocket, a dreadful cough that won't go away and a bit of planning to do, for the next couple of months.
    Following are some of my recent foodie photo shoots. Hope it makes you hungry.
Photography by Melissa Gaggiano.

Photography by Melissa Gaggiano.

Photography by Melissa Gaggiano.

Photography by Melissa Gaggiano.

Photography by Melissa Gaggiano.

Photography by Melissa Gaggiano.