It is HOT:
- Veronica Mars DVD box sets
- Chocolate and a cup of tea after dinner.
- I have lots to read at the moment. Mags. — IDN, Frankie. Books — Twilight saga, biography of my Grandma's childhood, 100 Classic stories stored on a Nintendo DS cartridge. So many publications and not enough hours in the day.
- Going for a walk each day, doing some gym and seeing my transformation into a super hero.
- My baby Gwen blowing raspberries — new form of communication for her.
- Claire's family coming down with gastro.
- Setting back calorie count from above mentioned chocolate.
- Air-Con remote control needs a new battery.
- Reading about the injustices toward females in other parts of the globe; ie. the so called ‘honour killings’.
- Interest rate rise, particularly it being so soon after it being dropped in the first place.