Friday 16 April 2010

Candice, Kobie & Me

When I was about age ten, I was given the book Fourteen and Holding, written by Candice Ransom. It was my first teen book, and it was an absolute hit — being about Kobie Roberts, a young teen coping with family, friends, bullies and herself. The book now looks quite pounded because I read it over and over, so many times. Then when I was twelve, I was allowed to order through book club the follow up book Fifteen At Last. I was so excited about reading the continuing adventures of Kobie.

The author, Candice Ransom has written more than a hundred children's books. That is amazing to me, as I am someone who struggles just to finish short stories, or write even a single coherent blog entry. :)
I highly recommend visiting Candice's website, which is filled with lovely, interesting details about the author:

And it is only natural, being that Candice is a writer, that she keeps a blog:

Thank you Candice, for your lovely response to my email.