Monday, 16 May 2011

Your Happy List

The Sound of Music

Normally I am ‘loving’ the slight grey skies of autumn. But today I am just not feeling that love. And why is that? I can nail it in one word — virus!
I haven’t been feeling the greatest since early last week and I thought it was just a simple cold. No big deal. I could handle a head cold. But then it just seemed to drag out. And out. So I called in at the GP and they confirmed that it was not a cold, but, in actual fact, a virus.
Not much can be done about it except the advice that I rest. This may seem a simple enough instruction, unless you happen to have a toddler [and another on the way in three weeks].
But I didn’t come here to complain. Rather I thought I’d share with you the things that currently make me happy. A happy list can improve one’s mood a bit.
·      Following craft and artist blogs. My most favourite blogger at the moment is Candice Ransom.
·      Reading book sagas — because the fun almost never ends.
·      Rereading old favourite books. Especially when the pages are dog eared and softened brown from age and air exposure.
·      Dreaming about getting back into a pair of roller skates in the near future.
·      Writing my thoughts in various journals and making potential lists of things to do in the future.
·      Looking forward to meeting and getting to know my next child. Soon. Very soon.
·      Drinking milkshakes.
·      I enjoy the aroma of a chai tea bag.
·      Checking out the artwork of some of my favourite artists:
o   Josh Agle
What about you? What is on your ‘happy’ list?