Wednesday 30 September 2009

Something Nice

Thanks to
Her Name Was Lola, I have come across a lovely site known as Operation Nice.

Operation Nice was set up by Melissa Morris Ivone, as a motivational platform for us all to take the time to be, quite simply — nice!

Being nice is such a simple thing, but living in a busy age it is easy to forget to slow down to smell the posies. Making the effort to be nice can come in the form of smiling at someone, asking about their day, patience to learner drivers, offering a seat to a pregnant woman, and so forth. And the rewards of being nice are great, because you walk away from these situations feeling happier yourself. So just imagine how euphoric you would feel at the end of the day, it you did one nice thing after another. Then of course if you believe in karma, well you know how that all goes. Think about it.

So now I am going to follow Operation Nice, because I know how easy it can be to forget even these words. But with Operation Nice not far from my thoughts I will remember to make an effort, and be nice.

Follow this link to see where Operation Nice began.

To find out more about Melissa Morris Ivone, you can visit her crafty, graphic design website —