Thursday, 3 March 2011

My Creative Space...

On the first day of March Mother Nature literally flipped a switch and the gentle breezes let us know that we can finally breathe comfortably. These days I am more of cold weather person, and would be the last person to complain about chilly days. After all the cold weather means eating tasty hot dinners and drinking hot chocolate — Who can say no to that?

On a creative front, this week I have been doodling in my sketch book, knitting a beanie for my two year old (it'll match a skirt I recently made for her), reading Mansfield Park, and playing Tomb Raider: Underworld on my DS.

Earlier in the week my daughter and I sat down together with a cutting a gluing project. As you can see below.

Check out some other wonderful creative spaces over at Kootoyoo — My Creative Space.
Have a lovely day.